The Fourth International Yoga day, Premier Modi, led 50 thousand people to do yoga.

India Prime Minister Modi takes part in yoga activities

According to reports, before dawn, many people gathered in De Haradan, an extensive forest research institute, to do yoga with Modi.

"The way to live a peaceful, creative and fulfilling life is yoga, which tells us how to fight off tension and unjustified anxiety," Moody said on Twitter.

"Yoga is not division, but unity; not hatred, but integration; not increased pain, but healing pain."

About 10,000 yoga enthusiasts in the capital New Delhi also registered for the event. Hundreds of people braved the heat and air pollution to spread out yoga mats at Lodi Gardens.

There are at least 5,000 yoga sessions across India today, but the largest is expected to be in Mysore in the south. Organizers say more than 60,000 people are expected to participate.